Bantu Bisnis Berkembang dengan Digital Marketing

Menyelesaikan tiap tantangan bisnis digital dengan kompetensi & solusi yang paling tepat.

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Our Digital Marketing Services

Comprehensive solutions to grow your digital presence

Web & App Development

We develop digital assets, such as website, microsite and mobile apps, for your business

Social Media Marketing

We help you to promote your brand on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram with best social strategies

Email Marketing

we help you to build your lists and send them newsletter regularly or simply an email blast

Creative & Content

We think out of the box to create contents that matter to your audience & business growth

Social Media Monitoring

We do social listening and monitor how people talk about your brand on social networks

Search Engine Optimize

We make your website appears on top of search result without paying a penny to Google

Multimedia & Design

We make your brand stands out and shiny with all rich contents, appealing visual design, and concept

Digital Media Analytic

We gather and interpret data from any of your digital channel or media using Google Analytic

Remarketing & Inbound

We help you increase your conversion through remarketing and inbound marketing strategy

Digital Consultancy

We assist you in this digital era where everything is connected and sadly you don't

Untuk Siapakah Layanan Sasana Digital?

Teruntuk bisnis/brand yang ingin menjangkau pasar ke dunia digital, namun bingung:

"Bagaimana Cara Memulai? Mengukur KPI? Serta Evaluasi Strategi Digital Marketing?"

Business Owner

Membantu Business Owner

membangun strategi yang paling tepat untuk bisnisnya.

Marketing Manager

Mendampingi Tim & Manajer Marketing

mengevaluasi serta mengoptimasi strategi digital marketing.

Digital Team

Membimbing Tim Digital

menjalankan strategi dengan tips & trik yang dijamin terbukti.